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Msm for horses arthritis,mussel,pain 99.9% pure

Article Sent By: (Amelia Beck)
Amelia Beck is presenting: Msm for horses arthritis,mussel,pain 99.9% pure
MSM for Horses Arthritis,Mussel,Pain 99.9% Pure
MSM for horses relieves a variety of horse ailments and lameness problems along with reducing inflammation and enhancing blood circulation. MSM for horses provides horses with relief from arthritis.
MSM for horses from The Holistic Horse is an organic compound that comes in the form of an easy to feed a light tan crystalline powder mixed with rice hulls that is 99.9 % pure MSM and is derived from DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide).
DMSO is a topical anti-flammatory agent which for years has been safley used to treat horse ailments.
Horses are quite susceptible to many common diseases that require immediate attention from either the owner or a veterinarian.
Since most horses are social animals whether as a border at a local stable or among other horses in the pasture, disregarded communicable diseases can lead to disaster. Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis is a neurological disorder that quickly manifests itself in healthy horses.
The sarcocystis nueuona parasite enters the horse through infected feed and unclean water and settles within the horses' spinal cord. Symptoms include a loss of appetite, depression and a loss of motor control as the disease progresses. EPM is a master of disguise. This serious disease can be difficult to diagnose because its signs often mimic other health problems in the horse and signs can range from mild to severe. It has been estimated that more than 50 percent of all horses in the United States may have been exposed to the organism that causes EPM.
The organism responsible is a protozoal parasite named Sarcocystis neurona. The disease is not transmitted from horse to horse. The protozoa are spread by the definitive host the opossum. The infective stage of the organism, the sporocysts, are passed in the opossum's feces. The horse comes into contact with the infective sporocysts while grazing or eating contaminated feed or drinking water. Once ingested, the sporocysts migrate from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier. There they begin to attack the horse's central nervous system. The onset of the disease may be slow or sudden.
If left undiagnosed and untreated, EPM can cause devastating and lasting neurological damage.
MSM for horses relieves a variety of horse ailments and lameness problems along with reducing inflammation and enhancing blood circulation. MSM for horses provides horses with relief from arthritis.
MSM for horses was added to the diet of a thoroughbred jumper with chronic back problems, after taking MSM his back problems disappeared and was able to go onto a healthy and extended jumping career. MSM cleared up epiphysitis in three weeks on a young thoroughbred filly.
Animals given MSM showed a delayed onset of tumors, equivalent to 10 years in humans. Dietary MSM also delayed the onset of tumors in the colon. MSM for horses is not some magical potion, although it seems like one, it basically clears up two things, inflammation and enhances circulation.
MSM is present in many foods when it is very fresh, it can be driven out of food by even moderate passing, including the cutting and drying of hay. It is important to supplement a horses diet with a pure source of MSM for horses.
Ruth Ann, I just wanted to write and thank you so much. Sierra is doing much better, the swelling in her legs in going down, it is amazing. She is standing on her own and eating normal now, not having to stretch way out to eat. I am going to keep your website so when I have to order more I can go back there. Again, Thank you thank you, you and your products are great. The Whole Goodman Family Robby, Jennifer, Josh, Mike and Marc And all the animals.
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Msm for horses arthritis,mussel,pain 99.9% pure