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Three 3 phase converter static rotary plans. SINCE1960S

Article Sent By: (Terrance Lester)
Terrance Lester is presenting: Three 3 phase converter static rotary plans. SINCE1960S
Still not enough? It's all available on one of my websites for re-visiting/surfing/saving/printing for those who'd like know that a reference is available. Just (ask me-email) me and I'll arrange it.
KEY = No hoops to jump through, free email delivery, pay any way you want to, stay in contact AFTER you pay for it.
Ask those 'Power Seller' guys (Cut'n'Paste' if you want to.(They do)); Example-My title was copied.
1. Can I use these methods to power my welder? ......................................................................(yes)
2. Can I use these methods as a power supply for lab grade equipment? ......(with mods yes)
3. Can I use these methods to power my cnc equipment? ..................................(with mods yes)
4. Will this raise my utility bill? .................. (like any other appliance, when not in use, nothing)
5. Have you used these methods yourself, for how long? ......................(yes, for over 30 years)
6. Will I understand the info? .................................................................(my daughter can build one)
8. What are you offering that others don’t? ......................................(I'll be here till your satisfied)
9. HOW MUCH WILL IT COST ME TO BUILD?? ........(from 'nothing' to a used motor plus parts)
10.What if I SINCERELY admit I cant do it? ..........................(well, in your case, ask for a refund)
Are their answers acceptable??
I've used it for over thirty years and I've distributed it to thousands. I've actually 'never' had 'commercial' 3 phase except when in shops other than my own. I still manufacture prototypes and do some manufacturing. I still do my own conversion to three phase.
Visit if you like,, or email-me, or look around on the net. And, please stop paying all that money for commercial phase converters. Like all propaganda it contains the seed of truth and that supports the belief that they are the only way to go. I guess if you cant spare a couple hours to build one then you must have the resources to pay all that 'commercial' money to have one.
(please look at our rules and privacy policy)
Contact (Terrance Lester) for additional information. This email is used for forwarding to newsgroup user.

Three 3 phase converter static rotary plans. SINCE1960S