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Tube gu-71B 1,6 kw 75MHZ pentode ham radio pa soviet

Article Sent By: (Millie Ayala)
Millie Ayala is presenting: Tube gu-71B 1,6 kw 75MHZ pentode ham radio pa soviet
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Computers and Electronic Gadgets - GU 71b 01
Computers and Electronic Gadgets - GU 71b 03
Computers and Electronic Gadgets - GU 71b 02 Computers and Electronic Gadgets - GU 71b 04
The GU-71B pentode is used for single-sideband power amplification and for power amplification at frequencies up to 75 MHz in stationary general-purpose RF equipment.
Cathode: indirectly heated, oxide-coated.
Envelope: metal-to-ceramic, with ring leads or grids and cathode-heater and pin leads of heater.
Multiple impacts with acceleration, m/s²
Lowest permissible ambient temperature, °C
Relative humidity at up to +35 °C, %
Negative grid 1 voltage, absolute value, V, at most
Anode current (at heater voltage 11.3 V), A, at least
Voltage level of combination frequencies of third and fifth orders relative to main current voltage (at anode voltage 3 kV, anode current 850 mA, grid 2 current at most 92 mA and frequency of oscillations 70 MHz), dB, at most
Cathode heating time, s, at most
Oscillatory power under class AB1 amplification (at anode voltage 3 kV, grid 2 current at most 92 mA and frequency of oscillations 0.1 MHz), kW, at least
Interelectrode capacitance, pF:
Grid 1 voltage, absolute value, V
Temperature at stem, anode and metal-to-ceramic seals, °C
Averaged Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 12.6V; Ug2 = 350V; Ug3 = 0;
Averaged Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 12.6V; Ug2 = 400V; Ug3 = 0;
Averaged Anode-Grid Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 12.6V; Ug2 = 350V; Ug3 = 0
Averaged Anode-Grid Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 12.6V; Ug2 = 400V; Ug3 = 0
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Tube gu-71B 1,6 kw 75MHZ pentode ham radio pa soviet