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-hammarlund hq-100A manual »r²

Article Sent By: (Brent Williams)
Brent Williams is presenting: -hammarlund hq-100A manual »r²
Hammarlund HQ-100A manual, reprint.
This is a digitally copied and enhanced manual for the Hammarlund HQ-100A. It has been copied from an original and is clear, clean, and easy to read. It is printed on premium 24# paper with heavy covers and bound with a plastic comb. No more struggling with unreadable photocopies!
It measures 8 1/2" X 11" with 23 pages plus a large one piece 11" X 17" fold out schematic.. Topics include: installation, operation, circuit theory, and service and realignment procedure. It has tables for tube socket resistances and voltages as well as a complete parts list.
They look about as good as the originals!â„¢
Email me with any questions:
Please note that most manufacturers produced many variations within each model. Know your radio and use care when using the information found in the manuals. Use care - these radios contain lethal voltages.
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